Youth Director
1. A heart for leading youth to faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
2. The ability to work with volunteers.
3. The willingness to approach people and seek their involvement in youth ministry.
4. An understanding of age-appropriate educational materials and activities for youth
5. Skills in organizing, planning, and implementing various aspects of youth ministry.
6. The ability to work with multiple projects and skills for managing time and resources well.
7. An adequate understanding of current technology.
8. Minimum of a high school diploma or GED. Specialized training in youth ministry preferred.
Performance Responsibilities:
1. Management and Public Relations
a. Provide monthly reports to the Youth Commission, Pastor, and leadership team.
b. Meet monthly with the Youth Commission.
c. Meet weekly with the supervising Pastor.
d. Give talks/presentations to various groups in the congregation.
e. Be aware of Conference and District activities.
f. Implement the Child and Youth Safety Plan of SUMC.
2. Ministry Team
a. Develop a team of adults and youth who will work together to plan for and support the youth program at the Sheldon UMC.
b. Organize a schedule of adults and parents to help supply supports at youth gatherings and events.
3. Fellowship
a. A program of youth gatherings is planned at least 6 months ahead at any given time.
b. A minimum of 1 gathering is provided monthly.
c. Youth gatherings are always open to all youth and:
1. Include 2 adults leaders at a minimum at all times
2. Make youth feel welcome
3. Communicate a positive feeling about the church.
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d. Take youth and adults to conference(s), retreat(s) and concert(s) each year.
e. Provide opportunities for youth to grow as servants and be a service to their peers, church and community.
4. Other job duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor.